Feb 6 City Launches Missing Middle Survey
The Missing Middle: Tell the City your thoughts on adding more housing to low-density areas of Vancouver.
The Missing Middle: Tell the City your thoughts on adding more housing to low-density areas of Vancouver.
City receives a staff report on Missing Middle housing for all RS neighbourhoods.
ABC's amendment asks for further study and analysis of Vancouver's non-profit, social and co-op housing market.
Will City Council approve Cllr. Christine Boyle's revived motion on Tues, Dec. 6, to boost social, non-profit and co-op housing in every neighbourhood without a public hearing?
Vancouver's new City Council heard from over 70 speakers at its Nov. 16 meeting regarding the controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of anti-Semitism.
Ken Sim and the ABC party voted in with large majority, dominating on Council, School and Park Boards.
Will neighbourhoods have any say in shaping our future city? Dunbar neighbours gathered at St. Philip's Church to hear candidates' positions.
The Sept. 26th BIV mayoral candidate debate started out all smiles, but quickly devolved into a heated debate.
It was a busy week for all mayoral candidates, with some appearing at community events such as car-free Main Street, while others just tried to stay out of the headlines. Kennedy Stewart of Forward Together finally broke his silence over a mysterious list of campaign “Captains”
Only Fred Harding and Colleen Hardwick met to discuss the implications of the Broadway Plan on Sept. 9.