Nov 21 NDP Premier Forces New Housing Plan on Municipalities
Divisive legislation by the BC NDP will, if approved, trump all municipal land use planning.
Divisive legislation by the BC NDP will, if approved, trump all municipal land use planning.
If David Eby's Bill 44 passes, it will mean the end of single family neighbourhoods.
Missing Middle Housing Plan could bring big changes to Vancouver's residential neighbourhoods.
The public should think about the environmental harms the Middle Missing Housing plan will wreak upon Vancouver.
Allowing multiplexes to be built in all RS- zoned neighbourhood will have "side effects," says a senior City planner.
Deadlines loom for City Surveys on the Arbutus Housing Project and the Jericho Lands.
Phase 4 of the Jericho Lands Plan sees housing increase by 45 per cent, and higher towers.
An update on the Jericho Lands Plan will be unveiled Friday, June 16. Residents can view them in an open house or online.
The Missing Middle Housing Plan will affect all RS zones in Vancouver. A tiny fraction of residents who completed a City survey support the plan.
Loud city street noise is now considered the number two threat to public health, after air pollution.