Frequently Asked Questions

How can I participate in a public hearing?

The City of Vancouver now live streams all public hearings due to the pandemic.

To speak at or comment about a public hearing, see Speak at a City Council meeting about an agenda item.

To watch a public hearing, see City Council meetings and decisions.

Where can I send my comments about a development or other concerning issues to City Council, individual City Councillors, and the Mayor?  

Mayor Ken Sim

City Councillors

To leave general comments for Council, go here. 

Is UKRA backed by or aligned with any political party?

No, UKRA is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that relies on the work of volunteers.

Do you have to own a house to become a UKRA member?

No, UKRA welcomes all residents — homeowners, leasees, renters, and their families living in Upper Kitsilano — to become UKRA members.

What are Upper Kitsilano’s boundaries?

Upper Kitsilano was recently extended to include the area from Alma to Vine St, between 10th and 16th Ave:

How do I become a UKRA member and volunteer?

UKRA welcomes all new members and volunteers. For information, please see Join UKRA.

Can I make a suggestion to UKRA?

Yes, we invite all suggestions. Please leave a message in the form on the Contact page.